7th Jan, 2020

Hello everyone! I know we haven’t been posting much lately as I’ve been really busy getting the new van built. Oh boy is it coming along now! 😺 We have had heaps of messages asking if we have been affected by the bushfires – we want to let you know that we are currently safe in Tasmania. 😿 Although we are far away from the horrific scenes in NSW and Victoria the smoke haze that has drifted this far South is a constant reminder of our nations loss. Over 6 million hectares have burnt, countless homes lost, and 24 human lives lost – but what I can’t bear contemplate is the extent of wildlife lost. We want to help these animals and I know you might be tired of me pushing the fundraising stuff, but I have to let you know that if you purchase a book from our website we will donate 100% of the proceeds to WIRES (NSW Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service). Help us to help the people helping our koalas 🐨, roos 🦘, and all other friends of the bush.

Van Cat Meow

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