Our Stories

  • Willow’s Garden Antics, New Cat Job, and Flesh Wounds

    Willow’s Garden Antics, New Cat Job, and Flesh Wounds

    It’s hard moving to a new city. I know that might sound silly as the whole premise of the last 8 years of my life has been about moving to new places, but what I know now is that when you’ve decided to stay in one particular place- it’s hard. The reality is that I…

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  • Dribbly cat – Happy 13th Birthday Willow!

    Dribbly cat – Happy 13th Birthday Willow!

    It’s Willow’s birthday, and to celebrate, here is a quick video of Willow waking up from a nap! Who else has a cat that drools in their sleep? Oh Willow! You certainly are a silly cat. I can always count on you to cheer me up… and to nibble my toes when I’m a bit…

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  • Flat Cat Meow: A New Start in the City of Perth

    Flat Cat Meow: A New Start in the City of Perth

    I’m always amazed at how Willow adapts to new situations. On our travels, we are constantly in new environments and it’s impressive to see how she takes it all on and makes the most of every moment. So it wasn’t that much of a surprise when we moved into our new flat in Perth that…

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  • We Found a Kitten in Our First Week in Perth! Willow Was Not Happy. Also, We Moved to Perth!

    We Found a Kitten in Our First Week in Perth! Willow Was Not Happy. Also, We Moved to Perth!

    Quite a bit of time has passed since our last post and it’s hard sitting down to put it all into words. Arriving in Perth has been a rollercoaster ride and honestly, not quite how we imagined it was going to be. However, as I write this from our campervan home with Willow asleep on…

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  • Video: Willow Meets some Chickens at Willowbrook

    Here’s a little video for you of Willow meeting some chickens at the farm we are staying at. I was a bit worried one or the other might get pecked or pounced, but they seem not too bothered by each other! We are staying at Willowbrook farm and Willow enjoys exploring the old stockyard. She…

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  • Willow and the Space Cat in Carnarvon

    Willow and the Space Cat in Carnarvon

    As we travelled down the coast having left Ningaloo Reef, we encountered vast desert plains of scrub, spinifex and red earth, not unlike the landscapes of much of our travels through arid outback Australia. So, when we arrived in the town of Carnarvon, it was like entering a desert oasis. The Gascoyne River, which begins…

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  • Willow Dribbles in her Sleep!

    The one thing you should know about Willow is that if she’s asleep it means one of two things: she’s either snoring or dribbling. Fortunately, she’s absolutely adorable either way!

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  • Six Years Apart: Willow Sitting on the Same Swing, a Tale of Nostalgia and Decay at Clements Gap

    Six Years Apart: Willow Sitting on the Same Swing, a Tale of Nostalgia and Decay at Clements Gap

    For most of us, the excitement of travel is the feeling of visiting a place for the very first time. But for me, what I find most interesting about travel is the opportunity to revisit a place we have been to before. And when there’s been a 6 year gap in between those visits it…

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  • New cardboard box for Willow and some long awaited new shoes for me

    New cardboard box for Willow and some long awaited new shoes for me

    If shoes say a lot about a person then I’m not sure what mine were saying about me. Realising that one could quite plainly see my socks through the 10c piece size holes in the sides, I knew it was time for a new pair. ‘Surely they have a few months left in them?’ I…

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  • Vacuuming the Cat – A Sandy 4 Weeks on Ningaloo Reef, South Lefroy, Winderabandi

    Vacuuming the Cat – A Sandy 4 Weeks on Ningaloo Reef, South Lefroy, Winderabandi

    We had been dreaming of the moment for months, and as we got to the end of the very bumpy and very long Ningaloo Rd, the ocean came into view. In the distance, waves broke over the fringing reef, the sign we were finally there. Ningaloo Reef. It had been 154 days since we left…

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