Rich’s B’day windfall and the painting that started it all

As I was rummaging around a garage sale in West Hobart back in 2011, I found the most delightful painting of some sailboats. I’d recently moved house and thought it would be the perfect addition to a wall in the living room, and after some negotiation paid $80 for it.

Now, I don’t know anything about art or antiques for that matter, but the piece made an impression on me and for the next 3 years it brought me much joy as it hung in my house.

That was until I piled my entire life into the back of a van and set off around Australia with Willow. Since 2015, the painting had sat in my parents attic.

That was until we returned to Hobart a few years ago.

I brought it out, dusted it off, and hung it on the wall in the cottage we rented. Now fast forward another 2 years and we were getting ready to set off on our next adventure.

Now, I’ve written about minimalism many times before, and just recently I shared the story of Jack, a bear I made in highschool who needed a new home. So, you’ll understand why I did what I did next.

I decided that I was grateful for my time with the painting and figured it was time someone else had a chance to enjoy it. I posted it in a local buy/sell group and for the $30 I put it up for, it wasn’t getting a lot of attention.

That was until someone messaged me and said, ‘You realise that’s a Fausto Giusto?’

No, I did not. The scribble of a signature in the lower right hand corner was unrecognisable to anyone not in the art world.

So, I took the piece to an auction house before we left Hobart and fast forward 2 months I get some news.

The piece had sold successfully in their May auction, and after their commission, $401 was coming my way! What a nice surprise, and especially so because today is my 39th birthday.

I’m not big on celebrating birthdays, but I have learnt that it is great time to reflect on everything that I’m grateful for. Amongst other things, I’m grateful for Steph embracing our adventure and looking after me, and for the crumpets she baked for us this morning. And of course, I’m grateful for Willow for seeing me through the past 8 years since we first left Hobart.

Tonight, we’ll have dinner in the campervan like we always do, but Steph’s cooking my favourite, jaeger schnitzel. Who knows where we will end up tomorrow.

It seems right that I do something special with my little windfall, to keep the good luck flowing. I have donated half of it to the cat shelter where I found Willow all those years ago, Ten Lives Cat Centre in Hobart.

If you’ve had some good luck lately you might like to send them a little something too. You can do that on their website here – tell them it’s in honour of Willow!

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