The Best Room In The House Is The Van

Willow, Steph, and I have been living at the cottage now since June last year and there is one thing I’ve realised about conventional living – it’s not really for me.

As much as I’ve enjoyed having a garden and running hot water the novelty has warn off. The thought of having to mow the lawn and weed the beds has me recoiling, and how many hot showers does one really need?

Those dreamy days of afternoon naps with Willow and Steph, swimming at the beach then rinsing off under the outdoor showers has me pining for van life once again.

Luckily, we have a plan and that plan is well and truly in motion.

In just under 5 months we will catch the ferry from Tasmania to the mainland. Yes, it will be sad to say goodbye to the cottage – quaint with pealing wallpaper, it was the finest of abodes for our duration in Hobart – but not even the Shangri-La would suffice when your heart belongs on the road.

So I find myself on quiet afternoons looking for the perfect spot to sit and drink a cup of tea. It’s not the kitchen I find myself in, nor the living room – it’s the van in the driveway.

There, the light streaming in warms us and Willow feels settled. I watch the garden and I watch Willow. We have everything we need right here, and a feeling of peace. A kitchen, a bed, a cupboard for our things, and all of it on wheels.

A van is made for adventures far and wide, of course, but lately our adventures have been a bit closer to home – for the time being anyhow.

Last week, the three of us found ourselves at a park, again, drinking cups of tea and watching the world go by. Next year we will be somewhere exciting, somewhere adventurous. But it does make me think – it doesn’t really matter where we are when the three of us are together.

So, as I wander around the cottage banging my head on the 1800s doorways wondering how we are going to get all this stuff into the van for our departure, I know for certain that the best room in the house is the van.

* * *

Thanks for reading! As you can tell, I’m feeling restless as I count down the days until we’re back on the road. I’m not wishing those days away though, as I know they will fly by and there’s plenty more memories to be made in that time.

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